progression checklist
kettlebell swings
Markers of control
No pain is felt during the movement that is deemed unsafe
If unsure, err on the side of not progressing
breath control
Option 1 (powerful reps)
Inhale when following the weight down and backward
Powerfully exhale (i.e. hiss) when extending (“popping”) the hips to propel the load up and forward
option 2 (light loads/endurance reps)
Maintain nasal breathing attempting to time a gentle exhale to the extension of the hips
postural control
Do not progress if any of the following compensations occur
The head and shoulders drop lower than the hips
The spine flexes excessively when the load moves down through the legs
The spine hyperextends when transitioning to standing
The shoulders round or shrug excessively at any point throughout the movement
The head or chin “poke” forward excessively
The elbows flex excessively
The knees translate forward excessively
The knees remain flexed in the standing position
Excessive lateral shifting of the hips when swinging through the legs
Excessive rotation of the trunk or spine with single kettlebell swinging
impact control
Go with momentum - do not attempt to slow the load down as it swings through the legs. Either go with the flow of the weight or accelerate it down and backward.
Park the Load Safely - when finished with a set of swings, park the load softly on the ground after swinging it back through the legs
DO NOT attempt to put the kettlebell(s) on the ground from the standing position (the momentum of the load will jerk you forward)
DO NOT swing and walk with the weight to put it back in place (park it first then deadlift it back up before walking it to where it needs to go)